Sunday, September 23, 2007

Not as good

This last week was not quite so good. But tomorrow is Monday, and Monday is a great time to refocus and start fresh with good attainable goals. I liked the idea given by a friend to do some sort of sit-up or leg lift three times a week, so that is going to be my main goal this week. I also want to be eating well and drinking more water, but I will focus on leg lifts or arm exercises this week. I'm pretty sure sit-ups are out, since my stomach muscles have seperated and are no longer helpful for things such as getting up off the couch or out of bed, let alone sit-ups.

This Wednesday marks 36 weeks, and Friday is my next appointment! This is the home stretch!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, sit ups are a BAD idea. Besides if you are like most post partum women, you will be feeling like you need to do a LOT of them after the baby comes. I hope you can enjoy these last few weeks of pregnancy! I can't wait to see you at your shower:)