Monday, September 17, 2007

Doing good all around...well, for the most part

Fall is a good season. Something about being back into schedule and Bible Studies and regular routine helps me to be more diligent all around. Housework is going well, eating and exercise are better, my spiritual life has been recharged.

I am still in nesting mode but slowing down a little bit. It has felt so good to have healthy joints. Ah, healthy joints. It is sometimes hard to remember the pain of the flares even though the last one was less than a month ago. I am sure I will quickly remember with my first good flare up after Elsie is born. I have heard that RA comes back like a storm after pregnancy. But I trust God with my health.

This last week I was able to exercise twice. It wasn't early in the morning, but it still felt great. I ate better, but not perfect. This pregnancy sugar craving is tough! (okay, maybe I can't blame it on pregnancy...I just love sweets). Water intake it getting better and better.

I have tons of goals for this week, but very few of them are about eating and exercise so I don't think I will list them right now. If anyone out there wants to share some of their personal eating/exercise goals, that would be great.

Have a good healthy week!


Anonymous said...

My goals are to get some type of cardio 3 times a week and the other days to be doing something small around the house like sit ups and push ups. I am also trying to drink more water and less diet soda- so far so good!

Good for you Meg for working so hard to be healthy! Keep it up, you look great in your 3rd trimester:)

Bronwyn said...

My short term goals:
*Lose all my baby weight...just 8 more pounds to go!
*Drink more water
*Plan meals better
*Walk at least 4 times per week
*Pray for my husband and children daily

Long Term:
(All those goals plus...)
*Lose another 45 pounds after baby weight

Megan, you are doing so awesome! We can't wait for baby Elsie either.